Thought-provoking Milestones from life’s experience
Kishor Vadhia
Are you experiencing problems at work and cannot see your way through the maze to solving them? You might be having family or marital problems that are weighing you down, or unanswered questions to do with your faith. It could be that an illness or death is preoccupying your mind, despondent thoughts filling your waking hours, and you would like the burden to be lifted from your shoulders. These and many more of the problems life likes to throw at us are found within the pages of The Truth.
Open your heart to the author's thought-provoking words of advice, written from his life experiences, and start to walk a new enlightened path, reaping the benefits this important life change will bring. The author has worked tirelessly, devoting his life to helping others in troubled times to bring self-fulfilment, hope, happiness and well- being into their lives. He aspires to accomplish the same for his readers through the words he has written.
THE AUTHOR, KISHOR Vadhia, has devoted his life to the noble cause of guiding others during good times and bad, and endeavouring to paint a rainbow in their lives.
He was educated in Porbandar, India, the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, then studied for a year at an arts and commerce college before deciding to enter into his family business, later becoming Vice-president of Shri Jansari Gnati Mandal in Birmingham.
Kishor is regarded as a true missionary, having established a charity group with friends. He has worked tirelessly, sincerely and with great enthusiasm for disadvantaged people. Kishor has made a lifelong commitment to the charity to safeguard society, civilisation, religion and virtues. He organises and participates in stage shows to raise funds for projects such as building houses for leprosy patients and counselling for the bereaved. This unique charity has helped numerous families financially and socially, giving them peace in their lives.
We take this opportunity to thank the author for his excellent work and wish him well with this book.
Joan Blaney (CBE) Author
The Icon of Morality
The Symbol of Strength A Woman's Beauty
Love and Rivalry
True Affection - True Love
Emotional Opposites
Enduring Pain
What is Beauty?
A Mother's Love
No Substitute for a Mother
Marriage Proposals
The Modern Girl
Is Marriage a Gamble? The Intermediary
The Frivolity of Youth
We Shall Overcome!
Choosing a Partner
The Key to Happiness
Mothers and Fathers - Sons and Daughters Changing Roles
A Turning Point
Sons and Daughters
The Generation Gap
Who is at Fault? (1)
Who is at Fault? (2)
Who is at fault? (3)
Unity is Strength
Who Instigates Family Quarrels?
Brotherly Love
Upside-down Spectacles!
Double-edged Talk
Enemies of Society
The Domesticated Husband!
Worldly Wisdom Kindness before Selfishness
Is Money Power?
A True Friend is Priceless
Friendship' Essays 1841
The Root of all Evil
Lifelong Friendship
True Friendship
Choosing a Friend
Breach of Trust
Listen Well
When to Talk - When to Keep Silent
Careless Talk (1)
Careless Talk (2)
Think Before Speaking
The Green-Eyed Monster
Beware of Instigators!
Taking Advice
Good Deeds Truth Blessing or Curse?
Truth is Beauty
A Fragrant World Truth and Lies
Victory of Truth Money (1)
Money (2)
Money (3)
Patience is a Virtue Concentration
Self First
Telling Lies
Being Polite
Taking Things to Excess
What Makes us Happy?
The Intrepid Wounding Words
Your Choice
Health, Wealth and Family Happiness
Thoughts and Words
Say it Again
A Doubting Thomas
The Power of Music
Time (1)
Time (2)
Changing Values
Courtesy and Consideration are Free!
Shameless or Ashamed?
The Property of the Dear Departed
Television and Movies
Travel Safely
The Miracle of Nature
Appreciate Others' Talents
Touch-The Sublime Sense
Emotional Blackmail
Practise what you Preach!
What is it Worth?
Balancing the Books
Effort (1)
Effort (2)
Effort (3)
Mistakes in the Workplace
The World Keeps on Turning
Prayer from the Heart
A Topsy-turvy Time
Be Patient
A True Prayer
Prayer to God
Concentrate on Prayer
Religious Advice
Faith in So-called Gurus
Worship God
Religion when Abroad
Holy Men
Sinful Acts in the Name of Faith and Religion
Blind Faith
God in your Heart
Fear of Death
Embrace Death
Rites and Rituals
Death the Leveller
Woman – The Human Life
The Icon of Morality
A HOUSE IS BUILT with bricks, but a strong and happy home requires a combination of a woman's guile and intuition, especially the guidance springing from her heart and soul. Human life is nothing more than a dull and barren wilderness with- out the soft, soothing, warm support of a woman.
God has created women to extend the human race, therefore, they are strength incarnated, the makers of the universe, have the knowledge of how to govern tongue, temper and action, holding the strings of life.
know how to avoid idleness and falsehood;
have the art of cultivating sympathy, cheerfulness and contentment;
know how to admire intellect, beauty and music;
understand the value of time, money and wealth;
respect old age, law and religion;
love honesty, purity and truth.
Because of these inherent virtues, the holy books of many religions depict women as having great inner strength. Hindus think of woman as Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, both material and spiritual, who provides her man with wealth for the maintenance and preservation of creation.
A woman lives and dies for those around her, is unselfish and naturally co-operative with others. Newborn babies find Heavenly peace and unfailing security in the arms of their mother. A gentle touch and loving kiss are unfailing pacifiers, as is suckling from the breast.
Belief in 'giving and not 'receiving' is a great virtue that has been bestowed upon women. It is said that 'behind every great man, there is a great woman'. During a man's trials and tribulations in life, a woman is there to offer help and guidance. She takes on the role of saviour, nurse and pathfinder, with her calming influence. When her man is troubled, she lifts him out of the clouds of despair with her encouragement. She refreshes, strengths, revives and rejuvenates him with her sympathy, appreciation and care.
A woman has numerous roles to play in her life - daughter, wife, mother, sister or relative. In life there are many 'ups and downs', but kindness and thoughtfulness towards others, and courage when faced with one's own problems, are paramount to her.
Women are often judged as the uncrowned rulers of the universe. It is very true to say, 'the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world' (William Ross Wallace).
Peace, happiness and endurance, unparalleled. Woman, you have the inexhaustible treasures of moral qualities.
Society, Family and Traditions
Who Instigates Family Quarrels?
IT IS TRUE that there are many families who live together in perfect harmony. They can be likened to different musical notes played together to create a melodious symphony. For generations the whole family-three or four sons, daughters-in-law and offspring led by elderly parents have lived together peacefully with no dis- agreements over trifling matters. Such families are looked upon as a shining example of true family life.
Sometimes mischief mongers within the family, not from the family core, are jealous and wish to disrupt this unity. They strive tirelessly to turn brother against brother, trying to cause arguments by blowing matters up out of all proportion. They only rest when they have succeeded in getting the brothers or family members to argue with one another. They are happy when successful and can see that dissent in the family cannot be resolved.
The parents know who is to blame for the problem, and sometimes are forced to sever all ties with good people for the well-being of their children.
Beware of those who delight in causing disruption! They have an eagle's eye and the devil's mind.
A True Friend is Priceless
A FRIEND IN NEED is a friend indeed! This is an old, but very well-known saying that is very true. Life is short. It can be likened to a bubble that can burst at any moment. No one knows how long they will live therefore it is important to do good deeds to benefit others during one's lifetime. Respect the bond of friendship even though at times a friend may say unkind words about you. Give not take and try to live life contentedly by making others happy.
The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way we have a friend is to be one.
Essays 1841
SOME PEOPLE ARE inconsiderate, lack thought, and break the bond of friendship for petty reasons, failing to understand the real meaning of true friendship. They do not make allowances and listen to a friend's point of view when trying to solve a problem. A person with an honest and faithful friend is rich indeed! Happiness will abound, and progress, prosperity and peace will be achieved. A true friend is one who would not hesitate to sacrifice his life for an end. He stands by his friends through thick and thin and does not desert them in troubled times.
Friendship can only be purchased by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he has to give his heart. to win theirs.
When to Talk - When to Keep Silent
IT IS TRUE that wise people talk less than the foolish ones, who babble continuously.
But far more numerous was the herd of such Who think too little and who talk too much.
Absalom and Achitophel 1681
Of course, one has to talk to communicate with others and express views, but the wise know when to speak, where to speak, how to speak, to whom to speak and how much to say. They only speak when necessary and will remain silent if the subject offends them.
Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking.
Bernard M Baruch
A successful host is one who respects others and shows consideration. People enjoy the hospitality of such a person or family, but the slightest hint of being insulted they prefer to stay away.
It is true that there is nothing in the world as white as rice and snow. Nature has made these things white, but there is nothing purer than water - the elixir of life.
He who does not understand your silence, will probably not understand your words.
Listen Well
IT IS TRUE that:
No clapping is possible without two hands.
Every matter has a cause and effect. No matter what happens at the beginning, the end will know about it.
A person takes a risk if they listen to only one side of a story, which can lead to the wrong conclusion, unjustifiably placing the blame. It is best to listen carefully to both parties, evaluate the situation taking cause and effect into consideration, then offer an opinion.
In many broken marriages the husband blames the wife and vice versa. If a person had listened to both parties, it might have been concluded that both were equally at fault for the irretrievable breakdown.
You have no right to judge people.
Man – The Human Life
Deeds it is true that we judge ourselves by what we feel we are capable of doing, but others judge by what we have already done.
A true man is likened to one who shoots an arrow from the bottom of a hill to the top without letting anyone, even a cyclone, alter its intended path. Power, confidence and force propel the arrow upwards until it hits the target. Good will always triumph over evil.
A 14th century proverb says, “time and tide wait for no man”. It is often said, “Catch time by its forelock”, meaning that Old Father Time, with his long flowing white hair and beard also had a forelock (tuft of hair at the front). If we miss the opportunity to catch the lock of hair, we have nothing left, and that is inevitable. Man should make good use of the time he is given by doing good deeds.
There are two ways to win fame and fortune in the world:
Positive and doing good and just deeds
Negative and doing sinful acts.
If a man is good, just and benevolent, his noble date will be much discussed. He might appear in the newspapers, on television and the radio, commanding respect from everyone. If a man has committed sinful acts such as theft, murder and rape he will become infamous, appearing in the crime section of the newspaper in a heaping dishonour upon himself.
A good man has good thoughts which are remembered and do not lose their value. Holy Scriptures of many faiths were written by such people. If a god-fearing man, always returns good for evil, comes into contact with one who is bad mannered and sinful, it will have no detrimental effect on him. He will continue to lead a life a happy life and fulfilled life.
Unfortunately, it is true that a dog recognises his master from amongst a crowd of people, but man, who has been given special gifts, fails to recognise master – God. Powerful intellect helps him to inspire others to do noble deeds to benefit society. Such people become famous and have been so since the beginning of time.
Man has to be satisfied and content with this situation in life, a very important factor because not all desires, ambitions and dreams are fulfilled. It is a human tendency to:
Look before and after, pine for what is not -Percy Bysshe Shelley English poet 1792 – 1822.
Contentment is the most important factor in life. It is not difficult to recognise the difference between a good and bad person A good person shows calmness and can control their feelings, whereas “anger is the momentary insanity” for those who fail to self-control.
It is true that an intelligent person never thinks of taking revenge knowing that it is no solution to a problem. He knows that he is doing God’s work on the Earth so, he tries to win the hearts of wrongdoers with his love and affection he knows that:
It is princely to pardon.
The revenge of wound is kept alive.
A man is intelligent and compassionate knows how to deal with anger, turning a situation to his benefit. You often count slowly from one to ten to calm his anger, and if this does not produce the required result, continues up to one hundred! After doing so, the anger will have abated, and a calm situation solution can be reached. If a person can counteract anger with a cool calm demeanour, the other’s anger often subsides.
Love is the greatest capacity to turn enemies into friends with its purifying effect.
Love, when true, faithful and well established, is
eminently the sanctifying element of human life.
Without it the soul cannot reach its fullest height of holiness.
It is true that God walks with a person who takes the time to assist his fellow men and women in trouble times. There are many ways of these, for it it’s hard to find a person who is never wept.
Man Should concentrate on doing good and noble needs to help others and gain respect, and not participate in sinful acts that injure his fellow human beings. It is said that it is harder to be a good man than an angel because to be a good man who generates happiness requires sincerity, honesty, selflessness, and strenuous and consistent effort. Those who laugh and put it on a brave face through the bad times generate happiness and win the race of life.
Those wishing to do good dates to prefer to keep away from the hustle and bustle of today’s society, to commune with God in sublime solitude. Whilst in the sanctifying radiance of the almighty, they become calm and still, and nothing can disturb their prayers, which erase all the layers of inner turmoil they are empowered with the stamina to forget the misery of the world.
Human Nature and Lifestyle
Patience is about you.
It is true that in this world there are many people who never show anger. They are known for staying cool, calm and collected in tense situations. Family, friends and neighbours show such a person respect often consulting them when they need a problem solved. Very often a solution is found because of the clear sightedness and sense of Justice after examining all the facts.
On very rare occasions a patient man can become angry with someone who has made an unpardonable error. He may chastise him, giving him good advice in a few choice words. The recipient of the harsh words might not like it or take kindly to this flare-up, although he is prone to bad manners and outbursts of temper himself.
Anyone can become angry - this is easy
To be angry with the right person, to the right degree at the right time,
For the right purpose and in the right way - this is not easy! Aristotle’s Challenge
A person who works with sincerity and purpose enjoys doing so and is sure to reap the revolves of success. Attentiveness is the key to successful stop any problem or difficult can be sorted out if one is single minded and determined to reach one’s goal. Holy Books of some faiths give directions on how to be attentive, for example.
worship with attentiveness
eat with attentiveness
think with attentiveness
remember with attentiveness
perform duties with attentiveness.
When working at our daily task we will benefit if we are attentive, and for that, control of the mind is an important requirement. An example of lack of attentiveness is a person who has made a video of an important family occasion such as a wedding or birthday celebration and invites family, friends and neighbours to view it. After a few minutes the audience began to chat begin to chatter about religion, family matters, politics, education and unemployment instead of viewing the video. They forget that the person who organised the viewing probably spent a great deal of time doing so. If they bought costly theatre tickets, they would have set and concentrated for around three hours without talking.
Control your mind to control the situation.
Religion, Prayer and Faith
A True Prayer
IT IS TRUE that there are many religions in this world.
You may perform prayer to God in the morning and offer an offering of a lamp in the evening. Some people visit the temple, synagogue, mosque or church. If a person does not take the opportunity to listen to the storyteller, he may do penance for a short time calling out the name of God. However, prayer is of no importance anyone if your heart is not truly focused on helping those in need.
Of what use is praying with closed eyes and folded hands and giv ing offerings to God if we do not take the time to assist women, children, the poor, disabled and elderly? Service to humanity is service to God, and in helping others we are at prayer!
Nations in the West need to co-operate with those in the East, like- wise employers cannot say to employees that they do not need their help. Co-operation and sympathy are essential if a family, business or nation are to thrive.
To find the spirit of co-operation is to find the way of happiness in life and success in business.
Prayer to God
WHEN MAN IS happy and contented with his daily life, celebrating, going to the theatre or a festival, he hardly ever thinks of God. It is when he comes across difficulties like an illness, business worries or family problems that he turns to God for help because he knows God can calm his troubled mind.
There are many people who do not worship or accept the existence of God, boasting that man is the master of his own fate. Very often such people still pray earnestly to God as a last resort when problems overwhelm them.
Prayer does not change God but changes him who prays!
Soren Kierkegaard-Danish philosopher (1813-1855)
With God's unfailing consent we are able to rise above and endure our problems and difficulties.