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World Conservation Day 28 July 2024

Updated: Jul 28

Why is it so important that children learn about history and nature.

It is important for two reasons.

First, because we know that our connection to history and beauty and nature makes our lives better. It provides new perspectives, shares lessons that we might want to follow, and help us to realise the context and landscape we sit in - no one is an island.

Second, we have a duty to pass on nature, beauty and history to those who come after us and learning about them is the first step in being able to do so.

World Conservation Day 28 July 2024

As we observe World Nature Conservation Day, it’s imperative to reflect on the critical importance of preserving our natural environment. This day serves as a global reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and nurture the Earth for current and future generations.

However, conservation is not merely a task for organisations like ours; it is a collective responsibility that transcends borders and ideologies. Each one of us has a role to play – whether through reducing our carbon footprint, advocating for policy changes, or supporting local conservation efforts. Together, we have the power to drive meaningful progress and protect the natural resources that sustain life on Earth.

On this World Nature Conservation Day, let us recommit ourselves to the cause of environmental conservation. Let us celebrate the beauty and diversity of our planet’s landscapes, from the towering mountains to the vast oceans. Let us honour the interconnected web of life that sustains us all.

As we move forward, let us remember the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Together, let us be the change-makers, the guardians of our planet’s future.”

Our week of conservation work at Buffelsdrift Game Lodge in the Klein Karoo

One of my wish was to do some conservation work in my retirement and a wonderful opportunity arose to do so in South Africa – The Rainbow Nation.

On 24 June Nileshwari and I we arrived at George airport from Joburg and were picked up by Tanica and Juan from the airport and driven to the Game Lodge.

Our accommodation was a tent with 5 beds with a toilet and shower. There is a communal kitchen with the basic facilities. It is winter in South Africa the nights are very cold. An electric blanket is provided to keep warm in the evening.

During the course of the week Tanica had arranged for us to enjoy the game drives and we learnt a lot about the animals via the various guides – please see details of the game drives offered.

In addition, we prepared food for the elephants and lions as well as interacting with a group of children who had come to spend half a day to learn about nature and undertake tasks like cleaning the elephant area, preparing food and planting Spekboom a plant that is enjoyed by so many animals.

Throughout the week we were very warmly welcomed by all the staff and the experience was dreamlike.

One very special experience was spotting a female cheetah and her 3 cubs. We were on foot and saw them from close range until one of the cubs decided to surround us at which point under the guidance of the guide we safely retreated to our vehicle.

The conservation work done at Buffelsdrift is to be admired and it was a joy to behold being with nature for 10 days. Please see details attached of the conservation work.

Kruger National Park

Prior to that we spent 3 days in Kruger and we were blown away by the variety of animal and bird life to be seen. It has to be a must see place for lovers of nature. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our host Prathmesh Desai who planned the trip so well and whetted our appetite for the conservation week.

South Africa

A country with so much unrivalled natural beauty in the world and warm people. It offers fantastic value for money and at half a dozen trips are recommended to enjoy what the country offers. Our first trip was the Garden Route in 2022 which is the most popular amongst all tourists. I was completely blown away by the natural beauty and the infrastructure along the Garden Route.

The sun and the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.

When men has is destroyed nature it will be his turn to go; the Barren Earth will swallow him up.

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