Sometimes we go on a drive to nowhere. The journey seems to be more delightful than the destination. But this journey to nowhere usually ends up as a trip to somewhere. The quest for Self in itself is an endless journey. It can take many a lifetime to cover the distance from the self to the Self.
‘Bandey khoj dil har roj na phir paresani mahe’ – O human being! Search your own heart daily and don’t you wander around in restlessness.
Man is mind. ‘Nar is noor’, man is light, a part of the divine light. The word ‘mind’ is often considered for thought, thinking and memory. ‘Mann pardesi je thiye sabh des parayia’ – If the human mind becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to the human being.
That is why the hymns of the Sikh scripture plead with the mind thus: ‘Merey man pardesee ve piyare aao gharey’ – O my dear beloved stranger mind, please come home
Mind is also called Shakti, Shiv and an epitome of five elements of life: ‘Ih mann sakti ih man sio/ Ih mann panj tat ko jio’; It is also glorified as a holy place.
‘Mann tu jot Sarup hain apna mool pachhan’ – O mind, you are a form of divine light, recognise thyself.
The atman in us is the tiny form of Paramatma, Super Soul, God. Every soul yearns to merge with Paramatma, just like a stream longs to merge with the ocean. The journey of atman to Paramatma is our destiny and destination. But the mercurial mind keeps playing mischiefs. When you drive to nowhere, it runs hither and thither.
‘Aayi panthi sagal jamati mann jeetai jag jeet’ – See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of yogis and he who wins over his mind wins the world.
All scriptures are from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Holy Book)