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Why Am I Always Thinking Of Money?

Why Am I Always Thinking Of Money?


What else is there to think about? Money is power. Everybody is thinking of money, don’t be worried. Even those who are thinking of the other world…they have different coins, but they too are thinking of money. Your saints are also thinking of money – they call it virtue. By virtue, you can purchase a better house in heaven, a better car.


A few people are not that greedy. They are thinking only of the money that is current in this world. Others are greedier, they think of the other world. And if you are thinking of virtue to attain to paradise, what is it except money? A man stops thinking about money only when he starts living in the present.


Money is the future; money is security for the future. If you have a good bank balance, your future is safe. If you have a good character, even life after death is safe. The whole world is thinking in terms of money. Those who think in terms of power politics are thinking in terms of money, because money is nothing but a symbol for power. That’s why you can go on accumulating more and more money, but the desire never leaves you to have still more – because the thirst for power knows no end. And people are thirsty for power because deep down they are empty. They want to stuff that emptiness with something – it may be money, power, prestige, respectability, character, virtue. Anything will do.


There are only two types of people in the world: those who try to stuff their inner emptiness, and those very rare precious beings who try to see the inner emptiness.


Those who try to stuff it remain empty, frustrated. They go on collecting garbage; their whole life is futile and fruitless.


Only the other kind, the very precious people who try to look into their inner emptiness without any desire to stuff it, become meditators.


Meditation is looking into your emptiness, welcoming it, enjoying it, being one with it, with no desire to fill it – there is no need, because it is already full. It looks empty because you don’t have the right way of seeing it. You see it through the mind; that is the wrong way. If you put the mind aside and look into your emptiness, it has tremendous beauty, it is divine, it is overflowing with joy. Nothing else is needed.

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