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There are two kinds of time. Abstract time (kronos in Greek)) is a scientific concept, a way of measuring matter moving through space. Concrete time (Kairos in Greek) is lived time. We call it “lifetime.” Time is life.

So to give someone your time is to give him your life. Our families are the ones we give our lives to and the ones who give their lives to us. The family is the “pay-it-forward” institution.

No one was ever heard to say this as he was dying:” I spent too much time with my family and too little time at my work.”

Our families always give us more heartbreak than our work because our work isn’t big enough to contain our whole heart, as our family is. What to do when your family breaks your heart? First, realise that this is the way of things, this always happens. Second, mend it. When you get a broken leg, you don’t turn away, you mend it. Why? Because you love your leg, because you are your leg. Well, your family is your legs.


By placing the parents equivalent to God it is said “Matru Devo Bhava and Pitru Devo Bhava”

Mother is not only the mother of a child but she is instrumental in building brick by brick the edifice of the good qualities in a child. She is the idol of love. Love personified whereas the father is the serene lake of sentiment and reason.







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