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The things we do for our children

The things we do for our children

• We love them.

•Feed them.

•Work to put the clothes on their back.

• Give them shelter.

•We try to set them up with the best education possible

•We teach them how to survive.

•We protect them from the world

• We protect them from themselves.

• We guide them.

However, is that all they need?

Are we so busy earning that we lose sight of where to draw the line once we have enough to get by?

• Do we miss their school plays and sports days?

• Is attending parent's evening a trauma?

•Do we feel ashamed if our child isn't doing as well as our friend's child down the road.

•Do we protect them too much?

•Do we prepare them for life alone?

•Do we give them independence when they have earned it?

•Do we fail to protect them from our 'own' people? From the community?

• Do we teach them to love everyone (which is a valuable feature of most Indian religions and more or do we ask them to learn our hate for other races and religions, in the name of protecting themselves and 'our name"?

• Do we sacrifice our family life at home in favor of work or the helping the community?

•Do we talk to, or at, our children?

•Do we know them well enough to know what they are really thinking or feeling?

• Do we realize AND believe that the mental needs of our kids are just as important?

• Do we (know how to) inspire them?

• Do we instill confidence and self-esteem in our children?

• Do we talk to our children on a one to one basis about issues of life without disregarding their opinions?

• Do we stimulate them in order to open their minds e.g. a trip to the museum or watching an ant carrying a crumb on its back, which all lead to the same thing ~ spending time with our kids.

• Finally, do we realize and remember that love and the feeling that you are wanted in this world is the most important thing when it comes to the needs of our children? Is loving our children not also part of teaching them to love others and to love life?

What do our children NEED & WANT?

Has our lack of understanding regarding what our children need, led to us neglecting our children?

Do we NOW understand what they need?

Are we learning from mistakes made by generations in the past?

Are we changing for the better?

Written by one of the many scarred neglected children in this world.

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