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Sit in silence, still the body and mind

At some point in life, we feel the sting of loneliness. During these times, we find there is no one to support us, and we become despondent, succumbing to worry and anxiety. As the pendulum of our life oscillates between moments of joy and times of sorrow, we may find that when surrounded by turmoil, we become anxious, fearful, and even angry. Caught up in a downward spiral, we cannot extricate ourselves from the web of negativity and pessimism that we weave for ourselves.

Helplessly, we search for an anchor to help us weather the storms of life. Saints and mystics offer us a way out. They caution that when our boat is caught in a storm, we should not create another storm by adding to the turmoil, lest we capsize. The way out of the storm is to remain calm and still. How can we achieve this? We can do so by anchoring our boat in God.

The scriptures of all faiths tell us that the divine is always with us, supporting us. We can always turn to Him, yet we feel lonely. Why is this? It is because we are accustomed to living at the level of our physical senses. Our physical eyes only see what is made of matter. And our ears only hear a certain band of frequencies in this world. All our senses are limited.

Whether we realise it or not, God is always walking beside us. He brought us into this world, and his helping hand is always there to guide us out of any difficulty we find ourselves in. Living at the level of our physical senses, we cannot experience God. A spiritual Master helps us experience the Supreme by teaching us the technique of meditation so we can still the mind, transcend the physical senses, withdraw our attention from the turmoil of the outer world, and focus it on the inner spiritual world. We will find a new world full of joy, peace, tranquillity, calm, and bliss.

God, however, is all consciousness. He is spirit and cannot be experienced by the physical senses. To experience the divine, we must follow in the footsteps of the saints and spiritual Masters who have come in all times and ages. Each of them found God in silence. When we withdraw from the chatter of the outer world, sit in silence, and still the body and mind, we can transcend physical body consciousness and embark on an inner journey. We can then commune with Him and experience His presence for ourselves. The more we sit in silence and focus within, the closer we get to God and to fulfilling life’s purpose of merging our soul back into the Creator. As we experience God’s presence, we can anchor ourselves in the stability of His love. Life’s challenges no longer pull us down. Instead, we ride the wave knowing ‘this too shall pass’. The pangs of loneliness dissipate when we know, with certainty, that we are never alone.

As we meditate regularly and connect with the inner Light, we recognise His presence in our lives. God’s love is always with us. This love will carry us through all the ups and downs of life, giving us the strength to face any circumstance with hope and positivity.

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