Happiness is a state of mind that must be lived. Neither worldly power nor moneymaking schemes can ever capture it. True happiness is never to be found outside the Self. Those who seek it there are chasing rainbows among clouds.
A materialistic life tempts mankind with assurance but is consistent only in this: It never fails, eventually, to break all its promises. As a man allows himself to depend increasingly on circumstances outside himself for his physical, mental, and spiritual nourishment, never looking within his own source, he gradually depletes his reserves of energy.
It is important to differentiate between your needs and your wants. Your needs are few, while your wants can be limitless.
Happiness can be secured by the exercise of self-control, by cultivating habits of plain living and high thinking, and by spending less money, even though earning more. Make an effort to earn more so that you can be the means of helping others to help themselves.
What is the use of spending all one’s time on things that don’t last? The drama of life has, for its morality, the fact that it is merely that: a drama, an illusion.
Those who think the play to be real and lasting weep through sad parts, grieve that happy parts cannot endure, and feel sad that the play must, at last, come to an end. The wise, however, see the drama for the utter delusion it is and seek eternal happiness in the Self within.