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Nelson Mandela International Day 18th July 2024

Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in 2009 in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on the 18th of July. The campaign is an opportunity for families, schools and organisations to roll up their sleeves and contribute to their communities by supporting local and sustainable social initiatives in honour of the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Our global theme for 2024 “it’s still in our hands to combat poverty and inequity”. The context, of course, is a world in which inequity continues to grow.Climate change, war and conflict are leading to the displacement and impoverishment of many communities and whole societies. The call to action is to as broad and as inclusive as possible- identify those in need around you and do what you can to make a difference for them.

How to communicate Mandela Day and his vision

A global movement for change starts with you. Is more important than ever before. No matter how small your action, Mandela day 18th July are about changing the world for the better. As Mandela said “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

On Mandela Day there is a focus on taking action and inspiring change by making a difference in your community. Celebrate his legacy by taking small actions to bring change for good.

Do good for people e.g offer your skills to help an organisation run efficiently and teach someone how to use technology.

Do good for children e.g talk to children about your career and become a mentor or tutor.

Do good for seniors e.g. spend sometime with a senior and take a walk with them

Do something for the long term e.g. volunteer for a good cause and become an organ donor. 

Do Green e.g. plant a garden or tree for the neighbourhood to enjoy and reduce plastic use.

"Rainbow nation" is a term coined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu to describe post-apartheid South Africa after South Africa's first democratic election in 1994.

The phrase was elaborated upon by President Nelson Mandela in his first month of office, when he proclaimed: "Each of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world."

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