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“M” is for the million things she gave me,

“O” means only that she’s growing old,

“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,

“H” is for her heart of purest gold,

“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

“R” means right, and right she’ll always be,

Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER”,

A Mother's Love

IT IS TRUE that there are many types of love. There is the love between father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, brother and sister. The love between friends also exists and has done so since time immemorial.

Each type of love has its own characteristics, some identical, some different. The one constant feature of love is the willingness to give first, then to take. Love makes the world go around, makes life pleasant and worth living, Love is goodness, honour, grace and pure living -the best feeling in the world, and one that lasts the longest.

The strongest love is the bond between a mother and her child. Holy scriptures and religious books agree that this is the purest love in the world. It cannot be compared with any other love and is the nectar from Heaven. There is nothing to compare with a mother's love.

A mother soothes and comforts a crying baby in her arms and at her breast. To a newborn baby, suddenly no longer safe in the womb, feeling lost and alone, a mother's caress is immediately reassuring, bringing with it peace and contentment in an ocean of love

Compared with a mother's love, other types of love are bound with a simple flimsy thread, with the possibility of being broken for one reason or another, then fading away. A mother's love is bound with a strong golden thread that stands the test of time.

The hand that rocks the cradle, Is the hand that rules the world.

No Substitute for a mother

A MOTHER CARRIES HER baby safely within her womb for nine months. After the birth, her lifelong commitment unselfishly nurtures and care for her child.

It is true that no amount of money can buy a mother, and her love cannot be borrowed or stolen. Her love is instinctive, as natural as the leaves sprouting on a branch, a stream trickling from the steep slope of a mountain and the stars twinkling against the dark background of the sky on a moonless night.

Everyone experiences the journey through childhood, youth and old age, only once, therefore, each step along life's highway is very precious. We have to forget the things that have happened in our past and move on.

A stepmother, despite her good intentions, cannot take the place of a birth mother. She is unable to be as loving, for a true mother's love has no limitations of distance, or barriers such as language, class and creed.

A mother is next to God.

Both articles from Kishor Vadhia’s Book “ The Truth”

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