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Miracle of Mudras

Miracles of Mudras - Your Health in Your Hand. People fold their fingers in various Mudras (Gestures). It is little known, however, that Mudra Science is Tatva Yoga – Yoga based on science of elements and these mudras can help cure many diseases.

Mrit Sanjivini Mudra (also known as Apan Vayu Mudra)

Index finger touches the base of the thumb and the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the middle finger and the ring finger. The little finger remains straight at ease. In the case of severe heart attack, this life-giving device Mudra provides instant relief within a few seconds. Helping hand for cardiacs. First aid for heart problems. Apan Mudra

Tips of middle finger and ring finger should touch the tip of thumb. Remaining fingers remain straight at ease. Provide relief in urinary problems, facilitates discharge of waste material from the body. Cleanses and purifies the body. Pran Mudra

Bend the little and ring fingers so that their tips touch the tip of thumb. Remaining two fingers remain straight at ease. Energy Bank – improves vitality of the body and eyesight. Ling Mudra

This Mudra can be made by entangling the fingers among themselves and keeping either of the thumbs erect. Practice the Mudra and get rid of frequent cold, congested chest and incurable infections. Gyan Mudra

Simply touch the tip of the thumb with the tip of index finger lightly. Remaining fingers can be kept straight with ease. It can be done with both the hands at the same time. Yogic Tranquiliser. Its practice ensures mental peace, concentration of the mind and sharp memory, spiritual enhancement develops creativity. Shunya Mudra

Keep the middle finger at the top of Venus and press it with the thumb. Cures earaches in just a few minutes.

· Mudras generates powers to provide all round development of mind & body which brings peace and happiness.

· Mudras can cure almost any ailment from simple earache to heart attack.

· Some Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes while some are fast enough to act within a few seconds.

· Detailed description of Mudras are found in Tantra Shastra, Upasana Shastra, Nritya Shastra, Art of Sculpture etc.

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