Lord Hanuman's birthday, also known as 'Hanuman Janmotsav,' will be celebrated on April 23, 2024. Lord Hanuman is one of the Ashta chiranjeevis and a devoted follower of Lord Shri Ram. 'Lord Hanuman is one of the most famous Gods who is still present on earth,' which is why people celebrate this day as 'Hanuman Janmotsav.' 'Lord Hanuman was born on Purnima tithi in the month of Chaitra,' and people across the country will celebrate this day with 'great enthusiasm and fervor.
Hanuman the greatest Superhero
Hanuman was the first superhero in the history of the world. Yes, that’s true! Hanuman was real and was around millions of years before the fictitious Spiderman, Batman and even Superman.
Lord Hanuman’s name conjures up an image of robustness, sturdiness, devotion and unconditional faith. He is the chief devotee of Lord Ram and is a scourge to all the wicked persons and evil spirits that may try to exist within the world. So, eat your heart out Superman!
Hanuman is a unique deity in the Hindu Dharma. He is shown not as a human but as a monkey, and despite belonging to a sub human species he is adored by the entire world. He is worshiped so much that there are more temples of Hanuman than any other deity. Yet Hanuman is always seen as a humble servant to his beloved Lord Ram. He is celebrated in many cultures and traditions. In China, he is known as the Shun Wu Kong, the wind monkey, whilst in Thailand Hanuman plays a central role in the Ramakiya (a Thai folk story).
Lord Hanuman is the reincarnation of Lord Shiv and with the help of Pawan (the wind God) Hanuman was given to Anjani (his mother). This can be seen by Hanuman’s two names which are Anjaniputra and Pawanasuta. Anjani then married Kesari and he became a father to Hanuman.
There are many stories about Hanuman as a child. One of the best known was when Hanuman tried to eat the sun thinking of it as a fruit, however he ceased in this upon Lord Indra’s punishment as he realised it was wrong and damaging to the world.
So, kids be a bit mischievous but stop it when you are told to. You too can be like Hanuman! Taught by Surya (the sun God) for many years Hanuman grew up to be very learned and intelligent. He could converse in Sanskrit the language of the Gods’. Hanuman was strong both physically and mentally as one can see when he outwitted Surasa and Lankini the demonesses.
He could draw on his inner strength to even fly over the seas to Lanka to rescue Sita and to be able to lift an entire mountain to save Laxman during a battle. When you look at a picture of Hanuman you see Ram in his heart, this implies the Vedantic philosophy that in each one of us their lives God, and if we keep that God within us, we can accomplish anything.
All these are the great qualities of Hanuman and if you believe in him, you can unlock and unleash all of your strengths and fight all evil and combat all problems in life. So go and strike that goal or hit that sixer, if one has belief in Hanuman, one has the capability of doing anything.
One great man who kept Hanuman within him was Sri Tulsidas. As a young boy Tulsidas was set with a challenge to climb the 40 steps towards the Hanuman temple. He was afraid, as along the temple stairway was a dangerous place where Ghouls and Goblins were supposed to hide.
However, Tulsidas accepted and for each step he took, he recited the names and glories of Hanuman to be protected. In the end he managed to climb all forty steps and, in the process, he wrote the Hanuman Chalisa.
So, remember if you have Hanuman within you then nothing is impossible to achieve.
Jay Siya Ram