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This is a true story set around the seventeenth century in the state of Kutch, now part of Gujarat State, India.

The story begins on the day when Jesal is the happiest man in the world. It is the day of his marriage. It is a festive occasion, Jesal is being anointed and marriage songs and dancing is in progress. It is a very happy and joyous occasion.

Enemies of Jadeja clan sensing an ideal opportunity to avenge a family feud, attack the marriage party. Guests are looted women raped and killed. Jesal's family members and mother are killed. Jesal is wounded and angry. He swears to reap revenge on all people for this injustice done unto him.

Jesal let loose a reign of terror with his fellow dacoits, looting, robbing, pillaging, raping and killing all who dared to come in his way. He plundered and attacked his relatives, pilgrims, marriage processions, banjaras and all and sundry.

Toral was born in a well to do Rajput family. In her village she was well known for her spiritual and devotional attributes. On the day of Naag Panchmi, a festive day in Hindu Calender, a young girl was bitten by a cobra and laying unconscious. Toral is called to see if she can be of any help. Toral reassures the villagers that on this day no snake would bite to kill. She prays and then sucks out the poison. The girl regains consciousness.

As per custom in those days Toral's marriage ceremony had taken place when she was a child. Her husband Sasathia sent the Brahmin priest to his father in laws' house and asked for Toral to join him as she had come of age. Toral's parents refused to honour the request as Sasathia had become well known for his looting and indulgence in heavy drinking and prostitution.

On hearing this conversation with the priest, Toral explains to her parents that a wife's place is best suited next to her husband and to let her accompany the priest back to Sasathia's house.

On Toral's arrival Sasathia is intoxicated and enjoying the performance of a mujra. He pays no attention to the beckoning of the priest. One night Toral confronts sasathia to try and persuade him to give up his indulgence of the flesh, wine and drink. Toral conjures up a vision showing him that, what he pines for is made up bones in the form of a Skeleton. Sasathia after seeing this grotesque vision changes his way of life and becomes a Bhakat. afollower of God.

Jesal Jadeja, The Black Cobra (Naag) of Kutch, has continued ransacking, killing and robbing the people of Kutch. On one of his sortie his mare meets with an accident and has to be destroyed. His friend and companion advises him that he has heard that a man named Sasathia has a mare which is reputed to be the best mare in the State of Shaurastra. Jesal makes up his mind to steal the mare.

Jesal arrives in a small village near Junagadh, the town where Sasathia resides. He finds his way to Sasathia's home, evening prayers and devotional songs (Bhajans) are being sung Jesal sneaks into the stable. On seeing a stranger, the mare is startled and neighs. Hearing this Toral comes out to the stable and notices that the stake to which the mare is tied, has become loose. Toral with the use of a stone hammers the stake back into the ground and rejoins the devotees.

After the bhajans have finished Toral distributes Prashad to all present. As per the custom of the house there would be sufficient portions for all those present, but this evening there was a portion left over. Sasathia suggested there must be someone in the grounds, the mare neighed again. Sasathia went to investigate in the stable. Sasathia noticed that Jesal had the wooden stake nailed through his palm. Sasathia pulled the stake out and asked why he was hiding in the stable and what was his name. Whereupon, Toral commented that it can be no one else except Jesal Jadeja as his bravery and courage are renowned.

Jesal made his intention quite clear. He had come to steal the mare, but now it was his intention to take Toral as well. The devotees were aghast with this. Jesal offered to fight with Sasathia, but Sasathia said he had put up his sword and taken the path of bhakti, Sasathia quieten the devotees and persuaded Toral to go with Jesal. She had turned him around and he had all the confidence and faith that she would convert Jesal to the righteous path and make the world a safer place to live.

Jesal tries to seduce Toral, but her serene divinity is an obstacle and a constant source of discomfort to him. In desperation he explained to Toral that the near and dear ones had stung him venomously and that is the reason why he is possessed with venom. Toral comforted him and said "snake bites can be cured, poison can be sucked out. Be not revengeful on the people. Love and affection begets love and affection, be humble, be of service to the people, remove "I" from yourself, efface "self" and you will get all that you want". Jesal tried hard for the same.

On a windy and dark night Jesal and Toral are crossing the channel and they see a tornado approaching. Jesal saw death starring in his face. He asked Toral to save him, and pleads that 'you have some kind of special power. Toral assures him "Jadeja sincerely and honestly count your sins and repent. I will see to it that neither the boat nor you are harmed". Jesal confesses to all the sins he has committed and storm fades away.

Jesal and Toral have set up a home in a small village and are devoting their lives to bhakti (in search of truth) praying and singing bhajans. One evening a number of sadhus and devotees arrive unexpectedly. Jesal is not at home. There is food for only two people in the house. Toral goes to the village grocer, Sadheer, for some grains, Toral does not have any money. Sadheer is prepared to let her have as much provision as she likes if she is willing to spend one night with him bedecked in her full bridal splendour. Toral promises to return.

On that rainy night Jesal reluctantly carries Toral to Sadheer's mansion (mehdi). Toral through her prayers shows Sadheer a vision and converts him to the path of righteousness. Sadheer falls to Sati's feet and begs for Toral's forgiveness for having such thoughts.

An invitation from Marvad has been received inviting Toral to go and sing some bhajans in their village. As per their house rules no invitation is turned down. Toral goes by herself, Jesal is not well.

Days go by and Jesal is missing and pining for Toral's return. He starts to question his desires and comes to the conclusion that if he cannot control his yearning for Toral it is time to take Samadhi. He prays to the mother earth to make some room for his shell. The ground under him opens and Jesal takes Samadhi. On the same day Toral comes back and prays for Jesal to come back and take her with him as their pray and devotion were conducted together. Jesal rises again takes Toral with him. PREM SAMADHI.

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