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International Day of Happiness

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first. Very few persons are free from self-centredness. Yet one can develop the quality of unselfishness very easily if he practises thinking of others first. 

March 20 was International Day of Happiness 

Whatever happens in life, I will be happy. So, let us try to smile and be cheerful in the present moment. There is no secret to being happy it is within us and we ourselves are the only source of happiness.


If we want to cultivate happiness within, follow these practices:


Content: This does not mean you have to curb your ambition, nor to stop earning, but also be content with what you possess.


Selfless: Do not be just a taker but be a giver also. Earn as much as you wish, however, learn to return as much as you can to society. Look beyond your own family to the world family.


Dharma: A life of values like truthfulness, kindness, and showing others respect. Before acting, always ask yourself, 'Would I want someone else to do this action to me?'

Be more action-oriented: Focused on the action, it helps you tap into your inner capabilities to a great extent, thereby bringing the best out of you.


Equal importance to logic and faith: The external world of objectivity and the inner world of subjective reality, the mystery aspect of life. Create a balance between the head and heart.


Meditation and pray every day: The support and blessing of the divine of which we are only a small part.


If we can develop these habits, particularly children, the happiness that is our true inner nature, will manifest outwardly. It will shine in our hearts and in all of our interactions with other people.


'Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu' - May everyone in the world be happy.

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