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In festivals we celebrate human connections

In festivals we celebrate human connections

Message, ‘Life is life with others.’ It is life from, for, and with one another. Human life is always lived in communities. We are social beings. Even the Divine loves the one who loves other beings, and man’s glory lies in being a member of a big family.

On the one hand, we are bound by kinship ties – parents, spouse, and children; on the other, we are linked with every individual of society, whether near or far. It is given to man to link himself with those who constitute his ancestry and also to think of those who could be his posterity. Therefore, we should live, work and die for society by rising above our kinship. ‘Sacrifice the interest of individual for the sake of the family; sacrifice the interest of the family for the sake of the village; sacrifice the interest of the village for the sake of the country.’

Vedanta implores us to rise above kinship in the larger interest of society and consider the entire universe as our family in the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. This Vedic philosophy transcends man-made boundaries of caste, origin, religion, race, and geographical divisions.

Our duty towards our neighbours, the concept of universal brotherhood, and fraternity of mankind, compassion towards all living beings – are often echoed in Vedic hymns.

The main prayer in Yajur Ved is for peace and happiness, not in a particular place or country but in the entire Universe. The Vedic hymn, ‘Aum Dhyo Shanti Antariksh Shanti Prithvi Shanti Apa Shanti Aushadhya Shanti Vanaspataya Shanti Vishwedeva Shanti Brahma Shanti Sarvam Shanti Shantieva Shanti Sa Ma Shantiedhi Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

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