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Hindu Chants


Hinduism, the world's oldest religion, has no beginning - it precedes recorded history and has no human founder. It is a mystical philosophy, leading the devotee to personally experience the Truth within, finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness where man and God are one.

Commonly referred to as Sanatana Dharma, the eternal faith, Hinduism is based on the practice of Dharma, the code of life. Since Hinduism has no founder, anyone who practices Dharma can call himself a Hindu. Hindu philosophy promotes a fundamental belief- that the ancient scripture and mantras of the Vedas is Divine. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion that has neither beginning nor end.

This collection of mantras showcases the essence and universal nature of Hinduism.



The Gayatri Mantra is one of the oldest prayers known to humanity, being as ancient as light, and also the vital force itself. This prayer appeals to the highest wisdom; to the brilliance of the cosmos to illumine our true nature. The appeal requests us to be subtle and receptive to divine wisdom that pervades life and is the essence of our very Self.

Om Bhur, Bhurvah Svah, Tat Savitur, Varenyam, Bhargo, Devasya,

Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah, Prachodayat

"Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive Thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction."


Vishnu is the infinite ocean from which the world emerges. Hence his symbol is water (Nara) and He Himself is called 'Narayana - the one who dwells upon the waters. Vishnu is regarded as the preserver of the universe. Vishnu is said to be eternal, an all-pervading spirit, and associated with the primeval waters before the creation of the universe.

Hari Om Namo Narayana

"My salutations to the cause of all effects".


Lord Krishna in his Bal Avatar is known as Govinda. Denoting the all-attractive Personality, his Eternal lover is Radha. Brahma, the first living in the cosmos, prays to Govinda thus, 'Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami", "I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Govinda". Govinda is the source of all existence.

Govind Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai

Radha Raman Hari Govinda Jai Jai

"This song celebrates Krishna in his role as lover of Radha. Radha symbolizes the human soul that through intense devotion and willingness to abandon all social norms reaches ecstatic union with the Divine."


Goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being that preserves moral order and righteousness in creation. The Sanskrit word Durga means a fort that is protected. Durga, also called Divine Mother, protects mankind from evil and misery by destroying evil forces such as selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, hatred & ego.

Om Shri Durga, Jai Jai Maa, Jai Maa Jai Maa, Namoh Namah,

Om Shri Saraswati, Jai Jai Maa, Jai Maa Jai Maa, Namo Namah,

Om Shri Tara, Jai Jai Maa, Jai Maa Jai Maa, Namoh Namah,

Om Shri Parvati, Jai Jai Maa, Hey Maa Hey Maa, Namoh Namah,

Hari Om, Hey Ma Durga...

"This song is an invocation in the praise of the various manifestations of the Mother Goddess, where She is called by many divine names.


Krishna Consciousness pervades through the Hindu world and ethos. Krishna consciousness is already inside each of us, waiting to come out, like fire in a match. Chanting Hare Krishna brings out that natural, pure state of mind. The chant is called a mantra, a vibration of sound that cleanses the mind, freeing it from anxiety and illusion.

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

'Hare' is a call to Krishna's divine energy. This song says simply: "My salutations to the Great One within. My salutations to the most beautiful."


In Lord Krishna's many avatars since His childhood, each devotee loves God either as a Master, or a best friend, a friend or close lover, thus revealing the infinite possibilies of divine love. Though Eternal, the Lord appears out of mercy for devotees. Although he appears in the material dimensions of time and space, He is definitely not of it

Mukunda Madhava Govinda Bol

Keshava Madhava Hari Hari Bol

"Celebrating Krishna and the places around Vrindavan (south of Delhi) associated with his life. In its garden-like landscape Krishna played as a mischievous child, and as a youth, captivated the hearts of the village girls with his looks and his irresistible flute."


Lord Rama is considered to be the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu. The most popular symbol of chivalry and virtue, Rama - in the words of Swami Vivekananda - is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king." The epic Ramayana is based on the life exploits of Lord Rama.

Aum Shree Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram

"This ancient song or lyric is a favourite with Ram bhakts throughout India. In essence it glorifies the beauty of Lord Rama and prays for His victory over all the evil forces of the world."


Radha and Krishna embody love, passion and devotion. Radha's passion for Krishna symbolizes the soul's intense longing for the ultimate unification with God. Krishna is the soul of Radha and Radha is the soul of Krishna. She is the undivided form of Krishna. The Paramatma is subservient to her. In her absence Krishna does not exist.

Radha Raman Hari Govind Jai Jai

"A song describing the mirror image of love between Radha and Krishna. The writer and composer of this song, Brahmachari Gopalananda ji was told by his Guruji that one day the whole world would sing these lines."


The 12 principal shrines in different parts of India enshrining Lord Shiva are recorded in the Hindu Puranas as being rich with history and tradition. Shiva as a Jyotirlingam is held in reverence since time immemorial. The southernmost Lingam is located at Rameswaram, while the northernmost is located in Kedarnath in the Himalayas.

Someshwara Shiva, Someshwara, Hare Hare Bolo Namah Shivaya

Maheshwara Shiva, Maheshwara, Hare Hare Bolo Namah Shivaya

"Shiva is the great creator, as well as the destroyer of the universe, often pictured as a yogi meditating on Mount Kailash in the Himalayas. This song is an invocation to two of the sacred twelve 'Jyotirlingam' sites in India."


Lord Rama is considered to be the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu. The most popular symbol of chivalry and virtue, Rama - in the words of Swami Vivekananda - is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king." The epic Ramayana is based on life exploits of Lord Rama.

Shree Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram

"Salutations to the self within, victory to the self within."


This Aarti is a universal prayer that can be sung by a person of any faith or religion. That it is totally devoid of reference to anything special to Hinduism, in the sense that it can equally well be sung by a Christian or Muslim, because it, simply and purely, extolls the virtues of God and devotion to him.

Aum Jai Jagadish Hare, Prabhu Jai Jagadish Hare

Bhakt Janon Ke Sankat, Kshaname Door Kare

Aum Jaya Jagdisha Hare

"This ancient melody 'Aarti' has been sung all over India as a hymn at daybreak since time immemorial. In this version, the words are dedicated to the God Vishnu (incarnated as both Krishna and Rama) the 'Lord of the Universe."

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