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Guinness World 0n 1 January 2024

Gujarat welcomed 2024 with a remarkable feat-setting a Guinness World Record for the most number of people performing Surya Namaskar simultaneously at 108 venues! As we all know, the number 108 holds a special significance in our culture.


A Guinness World Record was set in Gujarat on Monday after more than 50,000 people performed the Surya Namaskar simultaneously at 108 venues including the iconic Modhera Sun Temple


Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is an ancient Yogic practice of paying respect to the rising sun and comprises different postures or asanas. The ancient practice of yoga, pranayam and Surya Namaskar not only helps a person attain good health through exercise, but also connects an individual with spirituality.


Narendra Modi hailed the achievement, saying that Gujarat "welcomed 2024 with a remarkable feat". The Prime Minister further said "This is indeed a true testament to our commitment to yoga and our cultural heritage. I also urge you all to make Surya Namaskar a part of your daily routine.


"Our culture is our pride. Proud women and men in Gujarat welcomed 2024 by performing Surya Namaskar at 108 venues and set a Guinness World Record for the same." He added, "Every proud nationalist felt the joy of seeing venues like the Modhera Sun Temple beaming with the zest of the Surya Namaskar performers. Let this event be the pedestal for a pledge to practise yoga every day and live a healthy life."

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