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Get high on hope for a brand New Year

The new year is a time for an injection of hope, meant to strengthen the psychological immune system. Some of us are naturally endowed with sufficient manasic shakti, mental strength, but the rest of us need to recommit to it, and the start of each year is a good time to do so.

Hopeful souls seem to have an internal gyroscope of restoring balance, supported by the firm belief that nothing good or bad lasts forever, sarvam anityam, all circumstances are temporary.

Hope is not an artificial mood elevator, but a life sustaining potion; tucked inside it lies a hidden fighting spirit, while hopelessness is a state of being that sucks one into a bottomless pit of despair and leads to giving up without a fight.

Those with hope proficiency, even when faced with incurable illness or a formidable foe or a very hopeless war, won’t allow despair and futility to dampen their spirit. They turn to yet another of hope’s coping mechanisms – prayer – which provides consolation, grace and stability.

Difficult times build our appreciation for what is good. Yet, hope provides perspective and appreciation of our current blessings.

Hope, asha, apeksha, or omid, not only allows inducing optimism and positive feelings but pointing towards a goal, and the energy and stimulation to move in that direction. May we remember to dwell with hope in the year ahead.

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