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A friend for most of us is someone who we feel connected to and who is there for us in

some way. A friend is often someone that you share a bond with. You may share some common beliefs and values with friends, and often, a friend is someone you trust and enjoy being around.

With close friends, you may feel more deeply connected and like you can rely on them for support. You may be able to talk and laugh easily and share openly. This friendship may feel very reliable, and this friend may make it easy to pick up where you left off. Good friendships and good friends can often stand the test of time. These relationships are often made from mutual respect and care for each other's well-being.

A Friend Is There For You

A good friend is often someone who will be there for you consistently, whether that is through simple words or grand gestures. A good friend won’t desert you because you are having a hard time or experiencing sadness. Good friends often recognize that life can be tough sometimes, and they will be there for you when that happens. A good friend stays by your side and a real friendship is one that goes through these trials and remains strong.

A Friend Listens To You

A good friend is often someone you can be vulnerable and open with. They are often someone you feel comfortable talking honestly with, because you feel like they are genuinely listening and care about what you have to say.

You Feel Good When You're Around Them

A good friend will often be one who you enjoy spending time with, and they may also make you feel good about yourself when you're around them. With a good friend, you may laugh, have fun, feel connected, and generally enjoy each other’s company. Rather than worrying about being judged, you can often feel comfortable and confident when you are around good friends.

They Are Empathetic Towards You

A good friend is often empathetic to your struggles or what you're going through and shows that they care. A good friend will often try to understand where you’re coming from and give you the space to express your feelings. A good friend typically won’t be judgmental or dismissive.

They Are Able To Apologise And Forgive

In a long-term friendship, there are likely to be some arguments at times. Good friends typically recognize this reality and are able to both apologize and forgive, within reason of course. Good friends can forgive each other and continue nurturing a positive friendship.

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