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Food for the Mind and Soul

Question, please!

“Did you eat anything last month?

What about last week? Yesterday? Today?

You are bound to be quite puzzled with these questions. Of course, you ate last month, last week, yesterday and today. Do you plan to eat tomorrow? If you do, does that mean what you ate today was no good? Absolutely not! It simply means what you ate today is for today.

The average person not only eats every day but, generally speaking, he eats his meals on schedule. In fact, if a person gets busy and misses a meal, he generally tells anyone who will listen, “You know what? I was so busy yesterday I didn’t even have time to eat lunch.” Then he repeats it to ensure his listener got the message. To him, it’s a big deal to miss a meal and he wants others to be aware of his ‘sacrifice.’

Suppose the same individual was asked about his mental or spiritual appetite? “When is the last time you purposefully, on a pre-determined schedule, feed your own mind or soul?”

What do you think his answer would be? For that matter, what is your answer?

It is as important to nourish your mind and soul,

as it is to feed your body!

Just as your body needs hygienic,

wholesome and nutritious food to keep it

healthy and fit, so do your mind and soul.

Do not feed them junk or garbage.

Inspirational and motivational readings,

discourses, music and other audio-visual treats

that cheer up your mind and lift your spirits

should be top on your menu order.

Build a Home Library!

Show me a man’s home library,

the type of books that he reads,

and I will better know the character of the man.

With considerable accuracy,

I will be able to look far into his future, as well!

Self-help and Motivational Books, which serve as stepping stones to higher ideals and nobler purposes in life, are, by far, the most precious aids in all human endeavour. Every home should have a bookshelf or shelves well stocked with these guides for spiritual, mental and physical achievement.

The principal object of reading should be for enlightenment and attainment of useful knowledge, which can be appropriated and applied, in one’s daily life. Such books should serve to strengthen, refine, and ennoble the character of the reader.

A Home without spiritual books, a dictionary, an encyclopaedia, and self-help books is like a house without windows for the light to enter.

Home, not the university, is where young minds are formed and fashioned for life! - Bertrand Russell

BOOKS My never failing friends are they... With whom I converse day by day... Robert Southey

A Home without Motivational Books is like a Body without a Soul

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