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Deepavali (also known as Diwali)

Deepavali (also known as Diwali) refers to rows of diyas, or clay lamps.

Recipe for a Life Well-Lived Life

Traditionally Deepavali celebrates the return of Prince Ram to Ayodhya after 14 years in exile. A sea of diyas were lit to welcome him as he ascended the throne. Metaphorically, it applies to whatever is happening to us today. Ram’s kingdom represents a world of eternal peace, love, happiness and prosperity. When he was banished from there, Ram faced a dark period full of hardships. He overcame all challenges defeated Ravan before returning to his kingdom.

We the souls are originally peaceful, loving and happy but have forgotten this truth and are wondering in darkness today, as negative tendencies have taken over us. But once we win over our vices, we return to original state of virtues. The inner light, the soul gets illumined.

Thus, Deepavali implies lighting up of the soul. Everything we do during the festive season is symbolic of this it is also meant to ignite positivity and optimism in our lives.

Cleaning the house every nook and corner of the house is cleaned during Deepavali reminding us to clean our minds of all emotional stains of the past such as hurt, anger resentment and stress. For instance a thought why did they do this to me? needs to be erased by counselling the mind. It was their samskars, their perspective, their state of mind that day their mood. It was a Karmic account it is over now.

Donning new clothes – New household items, new clothes all symbolise that when something is cleaned, newness ushers in automatically. As we clean our minds to release old patterns, we learn new ways of thinking, speaking and behaving. All samskars of anger, hurt and criticism are replaced by new ones- those of understanding, compassion, respect, forgiveness and acceptance.

Exchanging gifts - ideal gifts to give each other up blessings and good wishes. Not just for the festival but for everyday thanks henceforth. Let us give everyone a gift voucher that says from this moment no matter what you say or do you will always receive only pure thoughts and blessing from me.

Savouring sweets = during the festive season we prepare sweets and first offer them as Prasad to God to seek his blessing. These sweets are then served to everyone. Sweets signify sweetening our mouth which means every word we say we should be filled with sweetness love and respect.

Starting new account books - businessmen reconcile previous accounts and start new books of account. It reminds us that we have karmic accounts with each other. No matter how old the issue or how are heavy the negative energy maybe, we need to close it and beginning a new account of acceptance and accommodation.

Lighting diyas – Diya refers to giving in Hindi. Diya are made of clay they represent our body and their wick symbolises the soul to be illumined. It is lit by adding ghee of knowledge I am a soul love peace and happiness are my original qualities which I give to everyone

Worshipping Lakshmi - goddess of happiness and prosperity inspired us to raise our hands too to give be ready to offer support and help to those around us always.

This way Deepavali inspires us to make new beginnings so that every day is a celebration.

If we exchange one good thought, we both will have two good thoughts Swami Vivekananda

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