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Daily Inspiration (A thought for everyday of the month) by J.P. Vaswani

Writer's picture: hindusevakhubhindusevakhub

1.     Neither rites nor rituals, neither creeds nor ceremonies are needed to improve the condition of the world. All that we need is to love one another.

2.     Misfortunes are blessings if we handle them well. They are like knives which hurt or help as we hold them by the blade or the handle.

3.     Life is too short to be spent in fault-finding, holding grudges or keeping memory of wrongs done to us. Forgive even before forgiveness is asked. Forgive and forget.

4.     Every minute, every moment, is precious, if only we know what to do with it.

5.     Which is the best exercise for the heart? Reach down and lift up as many as you can!

6.     To the weak, problems are stumbling blocks. To the brave, they are stepping stones.

7.     Which is the farthest place on earth? The hour which is just over!

8.     Animals are happier than human beings because they are totally unaware of what is being spoken about them.

9.     The worst thing that can happen to a man is that he has a hot head and a cold heart.

10.   Life is a school and experience is our teacher. But the fees we have to pay are quite high.

11.   If a person has moved in the wrong direction, he can always take a U-turn. The angels of God will be with him. The past does not – cannot – bind us!

12.   You who are looking for miracles, open your eyes and see! All around us are the miracles of God. A tiny seed grows into a huge banyan tree. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

13.   Open thine heart and let love enter in – and all the things in the universe will gravitate to thee. For love is the power that pulls!

14.   Give, give, give – until it hurts to give! This will release you from bondage to the ego – and to things.

15.   Think little! Feel less! Love more!

16.   Does God want our work? Or does He want our love? He wants that we should work for Him in love!

17.   If you wish to know God and understand Him, you must love Him more and more! The more you love Him, the more you will know Him. The key to knowledge is – Love!

18.   “Life has no meaning”, said a young woman to me. And I said to her: “Let your heart be filled with love – and meaning will flow into your life!”

19.   The aim of life is to realise that we are immortal spirits – not the bodies we wear!

20.  The greatest intoxication is that of the ego. The worst madness is that of anger. The person who is free from arrogance and anger finds goodness and beauty wherever he goes!

21.   Our true wealth does not consist in what we have but in what we are!

22.  The test of a man is – how much he can bear and how much he can share and how soon he confesses a mistake and makes amends for it.

23.  Two things must never be forgotten: 1) Our earth-life is transitory, ephemeral, like a bubble which, at any time, may burst. 2) Our goal is God. Nearer, my God, to Thee!

24.  No man is good or bad by nature. But veiled within the veil of ignorance, many cannot discriminate between good and evil.

25.  When awakening comes and man turns to God, repentant, he finds that God has already forgiven him. God is the most compassionate One!

26.  Who is the truly free man? He who desires nothing, expects nothing, claims nothing – but accepts everything that comes to him in the Will Divine!

27.  Every conquered temptation unfolds some hidden power – and strengthens our moral and spiritual muscles.

28.  Do your duty, faithfully, sincerely, honestly. Then find a little time to be with yourself – to dream your dreams, to do your spiritual thinking, to wonder at the leela of the Lord!

29.  If while praying we can think of worldly matters, why can we not, while doing worldly work, think of God?

30.  Has someone offended you? Has someone insulted you? Insults are like bad coins. You cannot avoid them, but you can always refuse to accept them.

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