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This is YOUR organisation


Imagine that you are running your business. You have to look after your customers, your suppliers, your finances, your administration, etc. You will gauge the overall success of your business by a variety of means, be it profit and loss account; your bank balance; the attitude of your customers and suppliers towards you and your business; how satisfied are your staff, etc. At each step of the way, for every success you achieve, you will have a feeling of gratitude towards all the variety of complex things that resulted in that success, be it your own particular skills, the tact of one of your staff in dealing with a supplier, or perhaps some goodwill gesture exercised by your customer etc. The list may contain one or more items but, no matter what, you will be keen to learn from that experience and progress further. Right?

Life is like that. Each avenue we explore we can be treated as a ‘business’ in its own right. How desperate would be all be to make sure that we have the right information so that we can make better and more informed decisions?

This is where a community organisation (as a learning body), comes in to your aid. However is the community organisation respected and run by an able group of persons representative of the community at large. More importantly are they well educated to impart knowledge about Hinduism and the importance of being good citizens of the country they have made home.

Let us consider some of the important skills that the community leaders and committee members should possess

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