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The Symbol Aum

The Universe began with the sound of ‘Aum’. The second which is termed Brahmnada is a symbol of the supreme Brahma. It is considered the most powerful word-symbol used for meditation. The Vedas are the most ancient scriptures of the Hindus and the great Rishis who created them, recognised Aum as the symbolic representation of the Ultimate Reality and therefore started all the mantras with the symbol of Aum. These great seers who by complete detachment from the world of matter, domination of the sense and inner purification, conquering the self, reached heights of Self-Realisation and gave humanity the Truth which is Dharma. These great Rishis who performed all actions as acts of sacrifices for the wellbeing of humanity, recognised the significance and power of Aum.

In this way, of all the mantras, the Aumkar mantra is the most significant. It is called the pranav mantra. Pranav means something that pervades life or runs through prana or breath. Just as the body depends on prana for survival, the world depends on the sun for its existence. Therefore, it is the practice to worship both these through the power of Aum. The symbol stands for the pure consciousness which pervades the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Therefore, by recitation of the Aumkar mantra, all these states are purified and man’s activities at the mental, speech and action levels become powerful and enlightened bringing peace and wellbeing to all.

In all religious activities and ceremonies as also, Yajna’s performed for humanity’s welfare, the recitation of the Aumkar mantra will be seen invariably. It is a one syllable mantra but has tremendous power. By using it in meditation to attain inner harmony and dharma, dhyana and samadhi many aspirants have reached the state of Self Realisation. Aum brings the light of knowledge on the aspirant’s path of realisation.

However, one must earn the right to the use of this holy mantra by being completely unselfish and detached. Those who are selfish and only desire personal fulfilment do not benefit from this mantra. In olden days, only those Rishis who had withdrawn from the outer world of sense and conquered the inner enemies like passion, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy, etc. by proper understanding were allowed the practice of this mantra for humanity’s welfare.

Aumkar is therefore a symbol of Parabrahim. In it is the complete essence of the divine wisdom – which leads one from attachment to detachment, from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light. May it inspire all to the path of Dharma and God-consciousness.

AUM Aum is the most sacred word in the vedas, the scriptures of the Hindus, which are the oldest writings in the world. It is the symbol of God and the unmanifested absolute God. It is also written as OM. Aum means creation, preservation and destruction. The three letters are written within the range of death. They are applied to three courses of action – external, internal, intermediate. The three divisions of time, the past, the present, the future.

As the best possible name for God, Aum is used to begin the Gayatri Mantra, which is the most popular mantra in India. Like Amen, Aum has been used by almost all denominations of the Hindus before taking oath, before and after prayers, at the time of blessing or during their worship.

The Hebrew word Aameen appears to have derived from Aum. Christians and Muslims also use it in their prayers. There is little doubt to disbelieve the fact that the culture of India, being one of the oldest, leaves its imprints on the sands of the entire western civilisations. We have a great culture, be proud to be part of it. Try to take part in the life that you have the privilege of being a part of. Restore the culture that is in you.


Aum or Pranava means “cosmic sound” in Sanskrit. It is the name for the mantra Aum. Aum is the Aksara, or imperishable syllable. Aum is the Universe, and this is the exposition of Aum. The past, the present and the future, all that was, all is, all that will be, is Aum. Likewise, all else that may exist beyond the bounds of time, that too is Aum.


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