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5 qualities every student must have as per Sanskrit Shastras

For a student, it is not just about studying well and getting good grades. For a student what matters the most, is how disciplined they are in their day-to-day work. A student's role lies in gaining knowledge from everything that is available in the vicinity. For a student, a book is not just the only source of learning; a student must learn the virtues of every creature existing in the world. A stellar student embodies a blend of traits essential for academic success and personal growth.


When it comes to finding the right traits for students, the Sanskrit Shashtras have immense relevance. The content of the shashtras which are germane even centuries later talk about the qualities that define a student.


"The crow's effort, the heron's attention, the dog's sleep, and likewise; eating little, leaving home, these are the five qualities of a student." It highlights qualities akin to animals: the crow's persistence, the heron's attentiveness, and the dog's ability to rest only when necessary. A student should emulate these qualities by being persistent in their studies, attentive to learning, and knowing when to rest. Additionally, they should practice frugality and be willing to leave the comfort of home for education. These qualities collectively define an ideal student striving for academic excellence and self-improvement.


Shashtra suggests that a student should always be persistent like a crow​

Persistence is the backbone of student success, serving as the driving force behind overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. A crow never deters from what it wants to do. Their persistent behaviour is driven by the need to find food sources, which often requires repeated attempts and problem-solving skills. This persistence ensures their survival in various environments, making them highly adaptable and successful scavengers in urban and natural habitats alike. In the face of academic challenges, persistence fosters resilience, allowing students to persevere despite setbacks. Moreover, persistent students exhibit greater motivation and focus, maintaining their determination to excel even in the face of adversity.


Students should imitate a heron’s attentiveness​

Being attentive is paramount for students as it lays the foundation for effective learning and comprehension. Herons are exceptionally attentive due to their hunting strategies, which rely on precision and patience. With keen observation, they scan their surroundings for potential prey, often remaining motionless for extended periods to avoid detection. Their attentive nature allows them to detect subtle movements in the water or on land, enabling them to swiftly strike and capture their prey. By actively engaging in class discussions, listening attentively to lectures, and focusing on study materials, students absorb information more effectively. Attentiveness enhances understanding, retention, and critical thinking skills, enabling students to grasp complex concepts and solve problems efficiently. It fosters meaningful interaction with teachers and peers, promoting collaboration and academic growth.


Sleep, but do not oversleep just like a dog​

A proper sleep schedule is crucial for students as it directly impacts their physical health, mental well-being, and academic performance. Adequate sleep facilitates cognitive functions such as memory consolidation, problem-solving, and creativity, enhancing learning and retention. It also supports emotional regulation, reducing stress and anxiety levels, and promoting overall mental health. Dogs evolved from wolves, which were diurnal hunters. While domestication has led to some changes in behaviour, dogs still retain some of their ancestors' traits. In the wild, sleeping less allowed them to remain vigilant for potential threats. Similarly, pet dogs may sleep less to remain alert to their surroundings, especially if they perceive any changes or potential dangers in their environment, reflecting their instinctual need for security and protection.


Eat the right food, do not overindulge​

Right nutrition is paramount for students as it directly influences their physical growth, cognitive development, and academic performance. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients provides the energy needed for optimal brain function, concentration, and memory retention, enhancing learning abilities. Proper nutrition also supports immune function, reducing the risk of illness and absenteeism. Additionally, healthy eating habits established during student years lay the foundation for lifelong wellness, lowering the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood.


Leave home and learn to be confident and independent​

Leaving home for students fosters invaluable personal growth and independence. It provides opportunities to navigate new environments, cultures, and challenges, cultivating resilience and adaptability. Living away from home encourages self-reliance, decision-making, and problem-solving skills, essential for adulthood. Students gain autonomy in managing finances, chores, and time, fostering responsibility and maturity. Ultimately, stepping out of their comfort zone prepares students for a successful and fulfilling future.​


“Everyone should get education.

Because during a war, things

that cannot be achieved by strength can

be achieved by knowledge and tricks.

And knowledge comes from education.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

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